RPS Signature Programs' Social Services insurance program specializes in addressing the needs of social service agencies and human service organizations, providing insurance coverage for the not-for-profit sector as well as for-profit classes. The protection of the Social Services insurance program allows these agencies and organizations to take care of their clients — and take the risk out of helping.

Social Services Insurance Coverages

Each policy provides a separate limit of liability. Occurrence or claims made forms are available.

  • Automobile liability insurance and physical damage insurance, including owned, hired and non-owned
  • Excess liability insurance
  • General liability insurance, including broadening endorsement designed specifically for social services agencies
  • Management liability insurance
  • Fiduciary liability insurance
  • Professional liability insurance including coverage for employees, contracted employees, physicians and more
  • Abuse or molestation insurance
  • Property, inland marine and crime insurance
  • Workers' compensation insurance, available with a package policy only

Insurance Designed for Social Services

The Social Services Insurance program is ideal for outpatient and inpatient services. It also provides coverage for non-profits.

Outpatient Services

  • Adoption placement agency
  • Foster placement agency
  • Substance abuse programs
  • Mental health counseling centers
  • Home health care
  • Outpatient hospice care
  • Adult day care
  • Case management
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Court-appointed special advocate (CASA)
  • Crisis hotlines
  • Referral agencies
  • Methadone maintenance
  • Home studies
  • Counseling centers
  • Agencies for seniors or aged
  • Sheltered workshop

Inpatient Services

  • Personal care facilities
  • Shelters
  • Group homes for the developmentally disabled
  • Transitional housing
  • Drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers
  • Residential care facilities
  • Supervised living
  • Medical detox


  • Foundations
  • Humane societies and animal shelters

How the Social Services Program Can Help Your Clients

RPS Signature Programs' team of industry experts can take on the most complex client needs with our exclusive programs offering specialized coverage for niche risks. The Social Services Insurance program covers the unique needs of social service agencies and human service organizations.

Meet Our Social Services Insurance Team

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